Barnet Together Partnership Update

Barnet Together, a partnership between Young Barnet Foundation, Volunteering Barnet and Inclusion Barnet, are delighted to announce a wider alliance with Barnet Council. This demonstrates the council’s recognition and commitment to Barnet’s Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector. This partnership will allow Barnet Together to deliver more borough-wide services to support the sector.
The Barnet Together Alliance will provide enhanced infrastructure support services for the local community, enabling our borough to strengthen, innovate and thrive. We will extend our reach and provision post-lockdown. We will have more capacity to support the sector, influence statutory decisions, and advocate for the importance of Barnet’s VCFSE Sector. We will be there for every organisation, from the smallest grassroots groups to the largest charities in the borough. Together with the sector, the new Alliance will help create a stronger, safer, and more connected Barnet.
Whether you receive support through Young Barnet Foundation, Volunteering Barnet and / or Inclusion Barnet, you will be part of Barnet Together. As members of Barnet Together, you will benefit from our full package of support services. This in turn will help strengthen the presence of the sector and partnership working across Barnet. If you are not yet a member, it is easy to join, see details below.
We, at Barnet Together, look forward to the opportunities for Barnet as a result of increased infrastructure funding from Barnet Council, and our continued collaborative working across the borough. We are expanding our service offering to create and deliver opportunities in funding, support, training, and more. It is recognised Barnet’s groups and non-profit organisations faced unprecedented times, difficult decisions and adapted processes in what was a most uncertain landscape. Our services and infrastructure will provide an even greater support, so that all our communities have access to the services offered, as we, together, return to a new-found, post-lockdown ‘normal’.
We are delighted to invite you to join us for an online VCFSE sector event launching the ‘Barnet Together Alliance’, with guest speaker John Hooton, Chief Executive, London Borough of Barnet on Monday 28th February at 11.15am to find out more. Please register here.
To join Barnet Together...
If you are not a member already and you work with children and young people/families, then get in contact with Young Barnet Foundation, here
If you are interested in learning about recruiting and managing volunteers, find out about Volunteering Barnet, here
For all other community group support, please join Inclusion Barnet by emailing
See the Barnet Voluntary Sector Manifesto and sign up here.
