An acorn needs the right environment to grow to a sapling and from that sapling into a strong tree. Local charities and community groups are much like acorns, given the right environment; support & nourishment you can stand back and watch them grow. Many of our local organisations are not as visible as a great oak, they are small and poorly resourced but these groups are the roots that support our community, a contribution invaluable to many.
However, just like a great oak, the local third sector will continue to need the right environment so that it can continue to thrive and survive, its roots must remain strong and nourished. So just because you do not see these great roots, it doesn’t mean that they are not there or that they are not needed and it doesn’t mean that they do not need our support to enable them to continue to do great work. Austerity has meant shrinking public services, leaving gaps and growing support needs for some of our most vulnerable children and their families – now more than ever we need to invest in our community – do what we can to help building a stronger, fairer society.
The Young Barnet Foundation has been set up to provide the infrastructure support for the small and micro VCS organisations working with Children and Young people across the Borough of Barnet.
To find out more how you can help to grow children and young people services in Barnet, please contact