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Our VCFSE membership package is available free of charge and offers support and guidance to groups working with or aspiring to work with children and young people in Barnet.   


To qualify for this membership type you will be a:   

  • Local Voluntary group, community group, charity or social enterprise (including faith and sports groups) delivering/aspiring to deliver in Barnet  OR   

  • A national charity with a local branch/footprint (your turnover needs to be less than £5 million* and you must employ fewer than 500 staff)  

*exceptions at YBF discretion  â€‹


You will also;​

  • Have clear and transparent charitable/social objectives  

  • Offer or plan to deliver regular opportunities, activities, or services in Barnet 

  • If you are a Social Enterprise, your are limited by Guarantee and not by Shares.  

  • Work with children, young people, or families, with a focus on children, young people aged 0-25 and their families   

  • Commit to collaborating with other members to contribute to Young Barnet Foundation’s mission and vision statements, to enhance the lives of all our children and young people in Barnet   

  • Work towards effective governance and approved quality standards   

  • Agree to the values and aims of the Barnet Voluntary Sector Manifesto which can be viewed HERE  

  • Embrace the ethos of ‘Generous Leadership’ to support other members by sharing expertise, learning and experiences  

  • Engage and contribute to sector development, including helping us to build a picture of delivery and capacity across the borough    

  • Contribute your feedback at sector meetings and via our satisfaction surveys 


What is expected of me as a Member?​

When you become a Member, you automatically agree to our Member Code of Conduct, which outlines responsibilities and commitments of both Members and of YBF. Click Here to read of Member Code of Conduct.​

What if you fall outside of these criteria?

In some cases, organisations may not completely fit our criteria for a FULL Membership. As such, we have created a new type of membership known as an ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP (organisations limited by Shares would be a Business Partner)This means you get all the member benefits below EXCEPT FOR:


  • You will NOT receive a dedicated Membership Development Officer to support your organisation

  • You will NOT receive support from our Fundraising team around bids and applications you would like to make

  • You will NOT be able to apply for our Young Barnet Foundation specific funding pot; Space2Grow


Once you have applied to become a full member, our Membership Team will assess your application and speak with you around which membership your organisation or group best fits and how we can still work together.


Member Offer;


  • Dedicated support from our Member Development and Fundraising Teams

  • Access our Space2Grow fund (subject to eligibility)  

  • Regular networking opportunities with other members and local strategic partners  

  • Opportunities for local partnership building  

  • Ongoing support from YBF staff to develop your organisation  

  • Training opportunities for your staff and volunteers  

  • Access to our Quality Framework to support your growth and development 

  • Access to the Members-Only WhatsApp Group

  • Funding support, including access to planning and review sessions (subject to availability)   

  • Promote your services via our social media channels

  • Receive regular member e-newsletters and submit items to be included  

  • Access to our members-only online forum  

  • Discounted access to Upshot, an online monitoring and evaluation platform  

  • Strategic representation: we put the interests of our members first in our discussions with strategic borough partners  

  • Use of our logo on your own website and promotional material  


Member Benefits;


  • Potential access to more funding to deliver your services (subject to eligibility) and 1-2-1 support to apply for additional funding  

  • Improve your services by sharing ideas and best practices with other members and local strategic partners  

  • Increased awareness of your offer, directing more young people to your services   

  • Better connections with like-minded people in Barnet’s voluntary sector  

  • Your staff and volunteers gain enhanced, sector specific knowledge  

  • Increased awareness of your venue resulting in more bookings (if applicable)  

  • Find and use available local venues  

  • Access resources to improve your governance by working through the Quality Excellence Framework  

  • Save time by using Upshot to monitor and evaluate your session attendance  

  • Be part of a thriving network bringing about positive social change for children and young people in Barnet  


Note: Young Barnet Foundation reserves the right to suspend a VCFSE's membership if we receive evidence of breaches in safeguarding law, health and safety law or any other issues affecting Children and Young People. In such instances, membership will be put on hold until the issue has been resolved (e.g. through further training) and in extreme cases, may be revoked.


Not eligible for the VCFSE membership package?  You can still join us as a partner or friend of Young Barnet Foundation.

Find our more HERE

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