Allessey’s blog day 1
I started the day at 10am, I was greeted with a warm welcome at the office from all the staff, I was led inside as Pete went through the Weeks’s timetable once Millie arrived we were given health and safety forms to complete. After giving us an introduction to the charity, I started off by discussing the art for teen market with Charlotte and looking for ideas about the products which are to be made for the event.

Later, Emma demonstrated how to use canva to create a template for the story I was working on for Barnie’s story as the mascot for the charity, this was one of my favourite tasks so far as I learned new skills in designing and creating in new ways. My story was based from the storyboards I drew up before creating the final design online. My story boards were based on how young struggling teens and kids were coping with setbacks in their lives and how Barnie helped them overcome their problems and stay positive.
During our lunch break at around 1pm me and Millie decided to go out and eat our lunches in the park close by which we enjoyed because of the lovely weather outside, after the lunch break I came back to continue working on my Barnie story which took me until the end of the day to work on. Time seemed to fly by as the day had already ended and I said goodbye to the team as we left ready to learn new things tomorrow!