Paloma Sixth Day of Work Experience - Designing and Printing
Today, I got into the office and completed Friday’s daily blog.
Emma then asked me to help her out with the designing of the Space2Grow social media posters. I then spent the day creating three: one for the £250 micro fund, one for £10,000 for Space2Grow#5 and one for both. This was fun as it allowed me to improve my skills using Canva having now used several different features to make different poster appearances.
After arriving back from my lunch, Pete returned with a surprise: on behalf of the Young Barnet Foundation team, he gave me a large helium balloon as a thank you gift. I was highly grateful for this as it made me feel my works and completed tasks during my work experience placement here isn’t going unaccounted for.
I then finished off the day by printing out some of the policy documents, which are due for review and giving them to Pete.