Creating Safer, Stronger, More connected Communities - Generous Leadership has a part to play...
With a population of over 99,000 of children and young people 0-19’s, Barnet faces the mammoth challenge to ensure that they get the support they need to thrive and to become tomorrow’s successful adults.
This is too big a job for one organisation, in fact we believe that this is a job for us all and everyone has a part to play - be that individuals, businesses, statutory services - schools - health etc and the wealth of community groups that work tirelessly for their beneficiaries - everything from the team coach, scout leader, youth worker, volunteer to the specialist/ targeted provision.

It is a real privilege for us, at Young Barnet, to be working with so many organisations that contribute to the network of support on offer to our children, currently over 170 groups. Often, they are unsung heroes, the invisible workforce, always seeking to address emerging and unmet need, filling the gaps of our retreating statutory provision, driven by their passion to change lives, holding trusted relationships with many of our most vulnerable and disadvantage residents, being the ‘difference’ to thousands of lives every year.
We believe that it takes a village to raise a child, or in our case a Borough - so what part can you play? How can you be generous?
So, when you think of generosity and charities, what do you think? Money - right? Well here at Young Barnet, and through our partnership Barnet Together, (Young Barnet, Inclusion Barnet and Barnet Volunteering), we are championing GENEROUS LEADERSHIP.
In the context of leadership, there are many gifts that you can bestow that don't have a monetary value but nevertheless they can be priceless. A Generous Leader can be generous with their time, support, information, power, and just well-deserved praise that amplifies a person’s/groups work, which can empower them, their workers and volunteers, a partner that see what your trying to achieve and asks - how can I help? Or how do we work together to get there?
Generous leadership creates a space that can motivate and empower all of us to do more within our communities, looking up and forward instead of looking back to what has gone before can help us all find a roadmap for our future, a future that helps to create a safer, stronger, more connect Borough.
So, my challenge to you - think about Generous Leadership? What could that mean in your homelife, work life or within the wider community? Do you have what it takes to be a Generous Leader? If the answer is yes - what are you next steps?
How about you give us a call to discuss?