Drug and Alcohol Service - Barnet
The rising demand for drug and alcohol support in Barnet highlights a pressing issue that cannot be ignored. Substance misuse can have severe consequences on young individuals' physical health, mental well-being, and future prospects. Irrespective of their background or circumstances, addiction can affect anyone. By seeking support from Change Grow Live, in collaboration with Young Barnet Foundation, individuals can access expert guidance and resources to address these challenges effectively.
Change Grow Live, a trusted strategic partner, brings specialised expertise in drug and alcohol support. Their dedicated professionals possess extensive knowledge, experience, and a genuine commitment to helping young people overcome addiction. They offer a comprehensive approach that encompasses prevention and recovery strategies through tailored programmes and interventions. Parents, educators and the Barnet community must encourage our young people to seek support for drug and alcohol-related concerns. Instead of stigmatising those grappling with addiction, we should foster an environment of empathy, understanding, and non-judgment. Working with strategic partners like Change Grow Live, Young Barnet Foundation is paving the way for a brighter future where young people can break free from addiction and embrace a life of health, well-being, and limitless possibilities. Let's work together to ensure that no one in Barnet faces the challenges of substance misuse alone. Seek support, as it is the first step towards a brighter tomorrow.
Change Grow Live - They're here to help.
If there's something you're worried about or you just want to talk, Change Grow Live are here to help. They’re a free and confidential service for young people up to 24.
They’re here to give you help and advice with challenges you’re facing in your everyday life. They won’t judge and they won’t tell you what to do. They’ll listen and support you to make the positive changes that you want.
Their team can help you with many things that might be affecting you, whether it’s problems with drugs and alcohol, or other issues like your mental and sexual health.