Third day of work experience – Anis
In the morning, the first thing that I did was finish my blog from yesterday. After I finished writing my blog, Gita and I interviewed Pete so that we could write out the bios for each member of staff. While interviewing Pete I found that he has a lot of roles in this charity as he is the operations manager. After we finished interviewing Pete, we wrote out the bios, each of us doing two members of staff so that we could finish it faster.
Afterwards Pete showed us how to use salesforce, so that we could input the data that we collected yesterday. This task wasn’t the most interesting task however it was easy to complete after we were shown how to do it. I continued this task after lunch so that I could finish inputting all the data.
After I finished this task Gita and I were shown how we can change the website so that we could add the bios for all the staff. I then continued thinking and drawing out different designs that relate to Young Barnet Foundation and that could be used for the hoodies and look nice.

Overall, I did enjoy my day today even though some part were not that exciting, and I am excited to what my least two days will be like.