Amount Awarded
The purpose of this VCFSE Grants programme, which forms the first round of Barnet Community Fund funding, is to increase available outreach and engagement to help Barnet Council and the local NHS understand local barriers and needs, raise awareness of local support and to promote COVID-19 vaccine uptake, public health guidance and programmes for residents disproportionately impacted by barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake as well as other preventative health programmes.
The fund is designed to build connectivity and trust in those groups who need it most, including those from inclusion health groups, young people, and ethnic minority communities; empowering individuals to protect both themselves and those around them.
The Barnet Together Partnership, working with Barnet Council, is happy to announce the award of grants totalling £151,500 to 11 Organisations to undertake this work.
The Health Champion priority topics, which are in line with Public Health's focuses, are:
COVID-19 vaccinations
Mental health and wellbeing
Childhood immunisations
Cardiovascular disease prevention
Target groups were chosen due to their low vaccine uptake currently within Barnet. These were:
• Young people (12–30-year-olds), their carers or schools (as appropriate to the age of the target population)
• Wards with high deprivation and low vaccine uptake - Golders Green, Hendon, Childs Hill, Colindale, Burnt Oak, West Hendon, Cricklewood
• Ethnic minorities with low vaccine uptake - Eastern European, Black Caribbean, Black African and other black communities
• Faith Groups – Haredi, Muslim, Evangelical Christian
• Marginalised/inclusion groups – asylum seekers and the homeless population
• Pregnant women
• Residents with serious mental illness
• Residents with learning disabilities and their carers
The Romanian and Eastern European Hub £20,000
Location: Burnt Oak/ Colindale
• A digital media campaign: communication materials developed in local community languages to
illustrate the importance of vaccinations, dispel myths and share information on upcoming vaccination
• 1 x hybrid event through Zoom and face-to-face attendance with health care professionals and
leaders of the EE community in local community languages to dispel myths and encourage residents to
take up the vaccine
• Recruitment and employment of a health ambassador who will deliver key messages around Covid
vaccination, signpost people to Covid vaccination centres, support people from EE communities with
GP registrations, medical appointments and deliver other key health messages such as those on oral
health, diabetes or childhood vaccination.
SAFA CIC, £20,000
Location: Burnt Oak/Colindale
Using the existing Burnt Oak Community Food Bank as platform to deliver community information events at North Road Community Centre, in partnership with Oak Lodge Medical Centre, as well as to the refugee centre in Colindale. The project will be delivered by a Health Ambassador working in close partnership with existing social prescribing teams.
BeLifted £20,000
Location: Colindale / Edgware / East Finchley
Using the existing workshops which the organisation runs (debt management, book club, mother and children’s empowerment group, fitness group), they project will use these existing opportunities to provide information and advice sessions within / at the end of these over 12 months. In addition, 4 vaccine specific events will be undertaken, lasting 2 hours each. The aim is to target younger people, as well as ethnic minorities and those of the Muslim faith.
Exposure Organisation, £5,000
Location :Barnet Wide
The aim of the project is through, a range of activities, including undertaking surveys with young people, running workshops with young people in person, on line and in local schools and colleges in order to collate the Young People’s personal testimonies, thoughts and visual media into compelling assets, to engage and convince their friends, peers, family members and wider community to get vaccinated.
There will be shared through our website, social media and via other key partners in Barnet
Barnet Somali Community Group, £2,500
Location: Hendon / Colindale / Burnt Oak
The project aims to take the following steps to help educate people regarding the Covid Vaccine:
Distributing leaflets in the Hendon, Colindale and Burnt Oak areas
Arranging 1-2-1 sessions as well as group sessions to educate the health benefit of taking up the vaccine, as well as giving attendees the opportunity to express their concerns. Discussing the health implications of not having the vaccine.
Barnet TV, £2,000
Location : Barnet Wide
Creating a video in the Romanian language to be posted to Romania UK TV’s You Tube channel, along with clips for social media to create awareness of the importance of being vaccinated within the Romanian community in Barnet
Community Network Group (CNG) £20,000
Location: Finchley
Through the employment of a bilingual (English & Farsi) 2 days per week for 8 months we aim to:
• Coordinate the health engagement programmes for those suffering from illnesses such as high blood
Pressure, heart disease, mental health alongside providing Covid awareness workshops.
• Offer trustworthy information for our migrant community members who avoid Covid vaccines due to
cultural and religious attitudes.
• Increase awareness by guiding the service users to do the vaccines and give them the information and
advice on the importance of immunisation.
They will do this through a range of methods including awareness raising sessions, workshops, 1-2-1 discussions and other approaches appropriate to disadvantaged Farsi speaking community members
Centre of Excellence CIC, £20,000
Location: Grahame Park
They will mainly be targeting Somali community residents in Grahame Park and it’s neighbouring areas, specifically women as they carry the voice within the household and the community at large.
Using their existing community projects (Big Brother and Big Sister’s club and Sheeko Iyo Shaah [tea and talk in Somali]) they aim to create a safe space for the Somali Community. They will invite local and regional services providers and experts to discuss the importance of looking after their mental and overall wellness -including the Covid Vaccine.
The Langdon Foundation, £20,000
Location: Edgware
HEALTHY HEART, MIND AND BODY - a series of expert-led workshops at our Edgware, Maccabi House
premises addressing health and wellbeing priorities for people with learning disabilities and autism and
mitigating their higher risks:
- of loneliness and isolation (due to exclusion)
- lack of physical exercise
- Poor diet (change can be challenging and reliance on benefits, being less likely to be in paid work due to their disabilities.
Higher risks of obesity, diabetes, cardio-vascular disease and poor mental health. Group activities incorporating healthier living choices (including sessions led by a chef, nutritionist, physical fitness expert for example) will encourage participants to address key risk factors such as learning about the risks of smoking, improving nutrition and increasing exercise - how to shop for and cook heart-healthy food on a budget, introduce exercise, weight management and lower stress. Activities will include cooking and nutritional advice, yoga and meditation, singing, exercise etc. There will be a "Covid- Vaccine info table" open at the end of each session where attendees can access information and ask
any questions about improving their health - including the Covid vaccine at each session.
The 4 Front Project, £20,000
Location: Grahame Park
Our project proposes to build on the sustained and meaningful relationships we have with some of Barnet’s most marginalised young people. We have developed these relationships after a decade of work on Grahame Park Estate. This programme will support 4Front members to increase their understanding and ability to prevent ill health and manage wider health conditions. The group workshops will serve as engagement events, providing important information, skills, resources and
support to young people, ensuring they are able to make better informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. The Youth Health Leader training and the workshops they go on to lead with support of staff will raise awareness of local health support available and promote COVID-19 vaccine uptake.
Through youth-led research delivered by our Youth Health Leaders, we will be able to better understand local barriers and needs and provide insight to local partners about the existing barriers to health improving interventions as well as COVID-19 vaccine uptake for young Black and Minoritised
African Cultural Association, £2,000
Location: Hendon
Ethnic Minority with Low Vaccine Intake: Key areas of concern are:
Vaccine hesitancy and refusal to take Covid19 vaccines. This is mostly due to vaccine misinformation on social media platforms especially WhatsApp. Residents in the targeted areas will be informed about the efficacy of vaccines and give them accurate information from Public Health England for them to make informed decisions on the vaccine uptake.
Some with Covid19 symptoms refuse to isolate for fear of losing their income. Most are on low income cleaning jobs. Their jobs are typically unsecure, and they tend to use traditional medicines or medications from WhatsApp. They are also not aware of Government assistance for those out of work.
They refuse to accept they have symptoms, and some seek medical help when it’s too late
Others have immigration issues and are always scared of deportation and so will always ride any sickness out without seeking medical help. This has caused the death of some in our Community.
Our project aims to address these issues through a range of interventions including workshops, targeted phone calls, social media adverts and zoom presentations.
The Panel
The panel consisted of a number of staff, specialist in either Public Health or VCFSE infrastructure.
Kerry Littleford, Public Health Specialty Registrar, Public Health Directorate, LB of Barnet
Julie George,
Sophie Milner, Senior Community Officer, Groundwork London
Debbie Bezalel, Head of Community Services, Inclusion Barnet.
Janet Matthewson , CEO Young Barnet Foundation
had a number of development queries to advance and improve the applications submitted in Wave 1 of applications in April 2022.
What is the Vaccine Confidence Grant:
Information Video and Presentation Slides: On Tuesday 8th March there was an information webinar. We recommend viewing the video and presentation deck for more information about the target groups and objectives.
The Two Options
Option 1
Apply for up to £20,000
Employ a Health Ambassador to support Barnet Council and Local NHS to understand local barriers and needs, raise awareness of local support and to promote COVID-19 vaccine uptake.
create a project to address one of the target groups and run/host a number of events across a period of up to 12 months to aid vaccine increase.
Wider vaccination uptakes can be address in addition to the COVID vaccine.
Option 2
Apply for between £500 -£2,000
Apply to hold event(s) within your community and work with the pool of Health Ambassadors to under take a number of awareness / community events.
Barnet Community Fund
Information on the Barnet Community Fund can be found Here
This fund is being administered by Young Barnet Foundation with grant delivery support and training provided by Groundwork London on behalf of the Barnet Together Alliance. The Vaccination Confidence Grant is supported by Barnet Council with funding provided by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC)