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Join as a Young Barnet Foundation Strategic Partner

We want to continue to build on our ethos of Generous Leadership and encourage all our stakeholders to do the same.  We want everyone to commit to being Generous Leaders, to be generous with their time, support, skills, information, resources, power, and in recognising the contributions of others. 


Generous leadership creates that space to motivate, inspire, and empower all of us to do more within our communities, it allows us to trust and collaborate so that our children and young people are the true beneficiaries.  So, join us and together we can help create safer, stronger, more connected communities in Barnet, so all our children thrive. 


Community Partner - Strategic

There is no charge to join us and becoming a Strategic Partner is open to stakeholders who have a vested interest in the children and young people of Barnet. You will be a not-for-profit organisation that wishes to support our mission and vision. For example, a statutory service partner (Local Authority, Police, Health, etc), or larger not for profit organisation (e.g. Housing Association).


To qualify you will:

  • Support us and our VCFSE members in contributing to Young Barnet Foundation’s mission and vision statements, to enhance the lives of all our children and young people in Barnet.

  • Embrace the ethos of ‘Generous Leadership’ to support us and our VCFSE members by sharing expertise, learning, and experience.

  • Agree to the values and aims of the Barnet Voluntary Sector Manifesto which can be viewed here

  • Champion our work (and that of our VCFSE members) within your networks to galvanise wider strategic support for local groups.

  • Explore development opportunities that will support our VCFSE members and help to make our community safer, stronger and more connected.


You may also:

  • Help us to develop a strong, trained network of youth leaders.

  • Support us in our efforts to develop ‘Venue Bank’, an online platform for shared venue/delivery space available for YBF VCFSE members and partners to use.

  • Contribute to local fundraising initiatives to enhance our Space2Grow children & Young Peoples fund.

  • Support us in our efforts to develop ‘Venue Bank’, an online platform for shared venue/delivery space available for YBF VCFSE members and partners to use.

  • Contribute to local fundraising initiatives to enhance our Space2Grow children & Young Peoples fund.


Our Offer;


  • Platform to present relevant offers to our VCFSE members at sector networking meetings.

  • Access to our expert staff for support and guidance (subject to availability)

  • Introductions to specific VCFSE members that we think will benefit from your support or enhance you own delivery. 

  • Opportunity to work with us on wider borough projects, taking the helicopter view of the needs of our children/young people, and the Boroughs development needs to ensure that together we have the tools/services to meet local needs.

  • Work with us on our Christmas Present Campaign, Space2Grow CYP Fund, and support for food banks.

  • Access to the Venue Bank an online platform for shared venue and delivery space.

  • Opportunity to submit items for inclusion in our communications to VCFSE Members.

  • Use of our logo to promote our partnership working, with us sharing yours on our Generous Leaders/Partnership page. 

Your Benefits;


  • Be seen as a supporter of children and young people in Barnet #WorkingtogetherWorks.

  • Be part of a thriving network bringing about positive social change for children and young people in Barnet.

  • Improve your services by sharing ideas and best practice with VCFSE members and other partners.

  • Increased awareness of your offer, directing more VCFSE members and young people to your services. 

  • Better connections with like-minded people in Barnet’s voluntary sector.

  • Upskill your staff and volunteers with relevant local sector training.

  • Increased awareness of your venue/s resulting in more bookings (if applicable) encouraging the promotion of free & low-cost space.

  • You can find and use available local venues.

  • Contribute to the growth of diversionary activities in the borough, helping to address crime and anti-social behaviour and promoting the mental and physical wellbeing of our children and young people.

  • Access a new generation of employees/volunteers.

  • Reach to some of Barnet’s most vulnerable residents through our membership.   


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