Total number of awards
*with 3 organisations delivering from underspend from Summer delivery
Total amount allocated
2022 Winter HAF - Space2Grow #28
Key information:
Application open date: Wednesday 26th October 2022
Closing Date: 23:59, Sunday 13th November 2022
Applicants Informed: by Friday 18th November ​2022
Young Barnet Foundation VCFSE members that delivered BACE in Barnet for Winter 2022 were;
Ball Out Community
Cricklewood Boxing Club - £3,819
Kick Off @3
Living Way Ministries - £2,071
Northernland Trust - £13,376
Resources for Autism - £437
Somali Bravanese Welfare Association £3,268
Stonegrove Community Trust
The Hope of Childs Hill - £1,938
Tzivos Hashem - £1,311
Unitas – £2,033
Key Criteria Summarised:
Rate: £19 per person per day for existing providers*, £16 per person per day for new providers (Reduced if you require food to be provided).
Delivery: Face to face delivery.
Hours/Days: 4 hours each day for 4 days during the Winter 2022 School Holiday period in Barnet (19th December to 30th December). We encourage members to consider delivery across this period although this is not compulsory, this would be to help with providing adequate provision across the borough throughout the Winter.
Minimum: 4 hours for 4 days.
Food: Should be hot, nutritious food and provided every day.
Nutritional Information: Part of the criteria is you must spend a period each week delivering nutrition advice. This can be done in several fun or exciting ways. Please check out the resources to assist.
Visits: Young Barnet Foundation staff will be visiting each delivery site.
Development: There will be training sessions available to organisations to support and upskill staff and volunteers. Should you feel you need any specific training to meet the minimum required standards, please email haf@youngbarnetfoundation.org.uk
Attendance: Must be free and for those that are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). At least 85% of attendees should be FSM eligible. Any non-FSM eligible young people should be from the DfE list found in our criteria document below.
SEND Providers: Special Educational Needs Providers (SEND) or those who could accommodate SEND young people should contact Young Barnet Foundation grants team before applying.
***** NEW *****
There are a few slight changes to the criteria and funding for Winter 2022 onwards you need to be aware of;
Award Amount and Payments: Due to the limited budget for the HAF programme, total payment of the grant will be made on either the actual number of participants achieved or the booked numbers prior to commencement, whichever is the greater. Space2Grow funded providers will be paid 85% of their application total up front and the remaining 15% on submission of your M&E and Attendee Data. Your total amount will now be subject to the attendance figures submitted so your total award may change. This may mean that if attendance is under 85% of your original estimated attendance, you may be asked to return funding. You will be eligible for up to 120% of your application amount should sign up/attendance be above that applied for, you will be expected to liaise with the Grants Team at YBF if this is the case. The award amount may also be reduced if you do not secure the minimum 85% free school meal eligibility requirement.
Wonde/E-Voucher Codes for Participants on Free School Meals: From 31st October, schools will be issuing HAF Holiday e-vouchers to all eligible children in Barnet. These unique one-time voucher codes must be provided to the provider when booking in advance or on arrival. Should these not be provided for each child attending, the award amount may be reduced.
Therefore, it is our expectation that providers will:
Amend their booking systems to collect these voucher numbers for Free School Meal Participants on registration.
Will provide these Voucher numbers within the Attendee Data Form which you are required to complete and return as part of the Monitoring & Evaluation.
Collection of Number of Booked Places: By, or prior to, Friday 16th December, successful providers must provide us with confirmation of the number of bookings they have. This can be done via text or WhatsApp message to 07756 925644, or by email to HAF@youngbarnetfoundation.org.uk.
Daily Attendance Submission: You must submit daily submission numbers either by text message or WhatsApp message to 07756 925644, or by email to HAF@youngbarnetfoundation.org.uk. This is to identify areas where attendance is below capacity so Young Barnet Foundation and the Council can support you in trying to fill gaps in provision.
Advertising and Bookings: To increase uptake and help fill capacity there will be an increase in advertising in the coming months leading up to the Winter. In addition, your projects will all be listed on the Council BACE webpage - a brief explanation of your project along with the ability for parents to contact you to book (We are not using the council’s booking system). Short text and contact details on how to book need to be provided in the application form.
13–16-Year-olds: There is an underuse of the HAF projects by 13–16-year-olds, although in Barnet we are seeing that the VCFSE has a better engagement than council sites which are based in schools. We are exploring with the 13–16-year-olds what activities they would more likely attend but we are also actively looking for more provision, especially for those who already have a cohort of this older age group. If you are already running a project for younger age groups, you are eligible to run a second programme for older age groups, this can be later in the day, offering dinner rather than lunch. You will be required to complete a second application spreadsheet and form for this.
Visits: This is a reminder that visits are compulsory and that you should make one staff member available to provide time for the staff member visiting. For the winter, we will be conducting random focus groups with the children and with some parents to aid learning as we continue to look to improve BACE for the Children and Young People taking part.
Hot Food: This is a reminder that food should always be hot and nutritious, except on days you may be going off site where a packed lunch is applicable.
SEND Triage: Whilst parents should inform you in advance of any additional needs, we are aware that in some circumstances young people have attended who need additional support. There is a triage service that you can call on any day and an additional member of staff will be sent down to your site as quickly as possible. Please also be aware when speaking to parents who receive a Personal Budget for their child, this can be used to get SEND support via Teach Now at a discounted HAF rate.
Parental Interaction: Part of the funding requirements is that you interact with the parents to aid nutritious education. For example, this could be in the form of an end of week show and tell, performance or a coffee morning drop in. We will be providing information for key services should you need to signpost parents.
Volunteers: Should you require volunteers for your provision, please contact enquiry@volunteeringbarnet.org.uk. Please note, additional volunteers should not be part of your ratio of adults to children, but when used well, we have seen additional support delivery for organisations.
Please read the full Minimum Eligibility Criteria Document found below before completing your application.
Should you not be able to meet all the criteria, please contact the Grants team as exemptions may be possible in some circumstances.
*Existing providers must have delivered HAF prior to Summer 2022.
New Providers:   ​
Young Barnet Foundation members looking to deliver HAF in Barnet for the first time should email haf@youngbarnetfoundation.org.uk outlining in basic terms what your delivery intends to be.  One of the team will be in contact to arrange a short call and providing you meet the criteria; you will be sent the application form for new applicants.  
If you are a Voluntary, Community Faith or Social Enterprise organisation, would like to deliver HAF in Barnet and meet our membership criteria then you will need to apply to be a member before you can apply for HAF or other Space2Grow funding.
If you are a private provider, please do not contact Young Barnet Foundation.  You need to apply via the London Borough of Barnet.  More information to view more information and how to become a provider HERE 
Eligibility Criteria
Terms & Conditions
Space2Grow #28 is funded by the Department of Education Holiday Activity fund and delivered in partnership with London Borough of Barnet.
Space2Grow, Space2Grow Childrens and Young People's Fund and Logo are branding of Young Barnet Foundation and relate to the small grant funding rounds distributed by Young Barnet Foundation on behalf of the charity and our partners.